
St George and the dragon

The characters of St George and the dragon are seen on coins and other works of art around the world. But who was St George and what is his story?

In this workshop teachers will read the story of St George and the dragon to pupils who will discuss the topic and either write their own story or draw a picture inspired by their discussion.

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To understand the story of George and the dragon and its depiction in British culture.

Be able to discuss and critique the story with their peers.

To react creatively to the story.

Curriculum links

Languages, literacy, communication : Expressive arts : Humanities - History


Who is St George?

Download the pdf below and read aloud to your class.

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How do artists show St George?

Download the Powerpoint and show it to pupils. Discuss the image of St George and how the characters are portrayed. What words do they think of when they see these images? 

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Write a story about St George

Use the pdf below for your pupils to write their own story. You could suggest ways for pupils to change the story and develop different characters by writing a different ending.

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Draw a picture of St George

Alternatively pupils can use this worksheet to draw a picture based on the story of St George they have discussed.

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Play a game

After your pupils have completed the activities why not give them this game to play. If you land on a dragon you slide down his tail, if you land on a sword you climb up the board.

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