
Designing the 50p

The coins in our pockets are so familiar that we rarely think about the work that goes into designing them. Why are they different shapes and what things do designers have to consider when creating a new coin?

In this workshop pupils will learn more about the development of the fifty pence piece and use their maths skills to complete a technical drawing of a curved equilateral heptagon.

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To draw a model of the fifty pence piece.

Study the history of the development of the fifty pence piece.

Develop an appreciation of the practical applications of engineering in coin design.

Curriculum links

Mathematics and numeracy : Science and technology



Technical requirements of the 50p

Download the pdf below to give pupils more information about the technical requirements the engineers had when they were designing the 50p.

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Which shape is best?

Download our PowerPoint presentation showing images of trial 50p shapes produced in the 1960s. Discuss each of the possible designs with your class. Which best fits the technical requirements? Which would your class choose?

Download PowerPoint



What was the solution?

Watch this video with your class to find out how engineers Colin Lewis and David Brown, speaking in 2019, solved the problem of the 50p shape.

Watch Now



Draw your own 50p

Use our pdf worksheet for your pupils to draw a fifty pence piece for themselves. You could suggest turning it into a 3D model and testing how well it rolls.

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